Monday, November 29, 2010

More Halloween

So my first born is obsessed with Peter Pan.
No, really, I mean obsessed. And it's adorable.
So this year it was a no-brainer to make a darling little Peter Pan costume for Halloween. 

My sweet-and-well-intentioned mother said she would buy tights for the costume, and forgot that Peter Pan wears green not brown.
So- it's a bit Robin Hood-ish--- but do you think my munchkin cared?
Certainly not! He was so happy to be Peter Pan.
I actually had to convince him to go get candy- he kept saying "The real Peter (the 'real' one is the one in the movie, of course) doesn't get candy"

Thursday, November 25, 2010


Why, yes-- I am aware that I am really behind on my little blog here.
If I told you I had two kids with another on the way, a busy semester of online classes, and plenty of volunteer time spent at church would you forgive me??

Anyway, I am now going to show you the darn-cutest little Tinker Bell I have ever seen.
 It's my little girl (at Halloween) I made this little Tinker Bell dress this last year and thought my little one was super cute in this fluffy fairy get up.
I absolutely L-O-V-E making Halloween costumes- if I went to buy a Tinker Bell costume it would NOT be this adorable.

I had fun making this- and I'm already jazzed for new costumes in 2011.