Saturday, May 15, 2010

Inspired By Dana Pt 3.

Okay, one last post about re-purposing fabric.
Again, I thank Dana from MADE for giving me the idea that I don't have to go to the fabric store to buy fabric, sometimes- it could just be lying around.
This time I used a pajama shirt that I NEVER wore, and a pair of pajama pants that had been worn a few times, but they had a hole in one knee.

This time I didn't make a skirt.
I made a bib
Double sided
And not one,
But two matching burp cloths.
Here's the whole set. I actually had enough fabric to make 4 of these sets.
I've already given two away as gifts. Should I keep the others as gifts as well, or sell them when I *someday* get my Etsy store going?

1 comment:

Pam said...

How clever you are! PLEASE sell them, on Etsy, or wherever! I have a 6 month old grandson, he's a really a little drooler! I am an educator, an exhibiting mixed media artist and a writer. I hope you will stop by my blog and become a follower. I've become one of your followers so I can stop by and see what you're making next! Happy Holidays to you and yours, and best always.